课课练目录 英语 七年级 下 第三单元(第10课)

Unit 4  Let's go shopping

I. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks(看图填空) 每小题16.6分

 ( 1 )

 ( 2 )

 ( 3 )

 ( 4 )

 ( 5 )

 ( 6 )

II.Choose the right word to complete the sentences(选择正确的单词)每小题16.6分

III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子) 每小题16.66分

IV. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)

V. 将表格中的6个单词填入下面6个方框中,每词只能填一次 每框16.66分,

At last

VI. Rewrite the following sentences as required(按要求改写下列句子)5道选择题 每题20分

VII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解) 4道选择题 每题25分

A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的点选"对",不符合的点选“错”)

People use cars for work and pleasure. There are many different cars with different colours. Some cars are big and some are small. Some are made to go very fast. Racing cars are fast cars. Sports cars are fast, too. People buy sports cars because they look good and exciting.The sports car,Jaguar(美洲虎), was first sold in the 1960s, but many people think it is still the best-looking sports car.

When people buy cars, they like to buy a car with the colour they like.When they sit in the car with their favourite colour, they feel good.Some people like a red car and some people want to have a black car.

B. Choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案) 5道选择题 每题20分

Mr Read works in a hospital. He's a good doctor, but he often forgets things. People know him and don't mind it.

One morning he did an operation on an old woman. It took him three hours to finish it. He looked at his watch and found it was twelve thirty. He felt hungry and wanted to have lunch.

When he got to the lift, he remembered he didn't wash his hands. He went back to his office and put his coat on the chair. Then he washed his hands and left. However in the restaurant, he found he forgot to wear his coat. All his money was in one of the pockets. He got up and went back to the hospital. He ran to the lift but it was going to close. He put his headinto it, and the doors opened. A man in the lift said, "Oh, dear, sir! Why didn't you hold the doors open with your hands? It's too dangerous to do so with your head!"

"I think my hands are more important than my head. I have to do operations not with my head. but with my hands!"

C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词组,完成短文) 5道选择题 每题20分

When people want to build a new town, they choose a place. Sometimes they choose an old town and make it a new one. Sometimes they    1     a town right out in the country.

Why do they choose one place and not another?Well, towns    2     lots of water for farms and factories, so people do not choose places without enough     3    .

In some places, the earth is very     4     for farms. So people do not choose those places for building towns. In some places, building houses is dangerous because the earth under them is not strong enough. In other places, there is a lot of good coal or iron under the ground, so a mine(矿)is more     5    than a new town there.

A new town also needs to be near good roads. Choosing a place for a new town needs careful thought.


